Chapter 9 Serial Matrix VFU
Serial Matrix VFU
In the Serial Matrix, Proprinter XL, and Epson FX protocols, the VFU is
basically a set of preprogrammed vertical tabs. Various lines of the form are
assigned vertical tabs which are then accessed by control code for rapid
vertical paper movement (slewing) to the tab position. Two control codes are
used for the Serial mode VFU: ESC B for single channel tab setting, and VT to
execute a vertical tab. These codes and the parameters surrounding their use
are described in Chapter 4, “Serial Matrix Printer Protocol,” in Chapter 5, “IBM
Proprinter III XL Printer Protocol,” and in Chapter 6, “Epson FX-1050 Printer
Table 79. P-Series EVFU Line Slewing
ASCII Data Bits
Lines Slewed
Hex Dec. Code PI 87654321
10 16 DLE 1XXX100001
11 17 DC1 1XXX100012
12 18 DC2 1XXX100103
13 19 DC3 1XXX100114
14 20 DC4 1XXX101005
15 21 NAK1XXX101016
16 22 SYN1XXX101107
17 23 ETB 1XXX101118
18 24 CAN1XXX110009
19 25 EM 1XXX1100110
1A 26 SUB1XXX1101011
1B 27 ESC1XXX1101112
1C 28 FS 1XXX1110013
1D 29 GS 1XXX1110114
1E 30 RS 1X001111015
1F 31 US 1X001111116
(X = Undefined, 0, or 1) (1 = High) (0 = Low)