Command Line
Command Line
Print format, print mode, or international language selection can be controlled
by a longer sequence known as a Command Line. Command Lines are string
type commands placed between complete lines of text and affect the text
which follows. The protocol has six Command Lines: PMODE, OSET, PSET,
LPI, LINES, and INCHES. Each of these Command Lines is discussed in this
chapter under the appropriate Control Code function.
For example, the form length (in inches) can be set using the following
command line:
is the whole number of inches, and
is the fractional
increment in 0.5 inch increments.
When using the SFCC in a Command Line, the SFCC must be the first non-
blank symbol in the line (space, hex 20, is a blank symbol). In addition,
characters following spaces (other than a valid line terminator) in a Command
Line are ignored so that user comments can be included on the Command
Line. The valid line terminators are Form Feed (FF), Line Feed (LF), and
Carriage Return (CR); however, when used in the Command Line, these line
terminators do
cause any paper motion. If a Command Line contains an
error, the command is not executed, and the line truncates to include any of
the error messages listed in the following table:
Attribute Set and Reset Codes
Certain print attributes are set and reset (turned on or off) by using the
appropriate SFCC code sequence and the numbers 1 or 0. These may be
either the hexadecimal code 01 and 00, or the ASCII code for the printable
symbols of decimal 1 and 0 (hexadecimal code 31 and 30, respectively).
Expanded Print, Superscript/Subscript Print, and Underline are attributes that
are set and reset this way.
Table 2. Command Line Error Messages
Error Message Explanation
Invalid Parameter The command received cannot be
interpreted correctly, or the correct command
is not followed by an expected delimiter.
Parameter Out of Bounds A decimal parameter in the command is out
of range.
Missing Parameter One or more necessary parameters is
missing from the command.
Illegal Character in Decimal
A decimal parameter contains a non-numeric
character, or a fractional digit is out of range.
A decimal parameter contains too many