Chapter 5 Configuring the Proprinter III XL Emulation with Control Codes
Expanded (Double Wide) Print (One Line Only)
Hex Code 0E 1B 0E
Dec Code 14 27 14
Purpose Selects double wide print for one line only.
where: If the emulation is set at 10 cpi, it is set to 5 cpi.
If the emulation is set at 12 cpi, it is set to 6 cpi.
If the emulation is set at 17.1 cpi, it is set to 8.55 cpi.
Comment This expanded print control code is a line-by-line print attribute;
when the SO control code is received, the current line is printed
double wide and automatically reset.
This control code can be reset by a paper motion control code
(LF, VT, CR, etc.), by the DC4 (double wide cancel) code, CAN
or ESC W (double wide print). When set by SO, double wide
print is not cancelled by the Autowrap feature.
Example The following sample illustrates Expanded Print for one line only.
Another example of expanded printing is shown for “Expanded
(Double Wide) Print,” ESC W on page 129.
Expanded (Double Wide) Print Reset (1 Line)
Hex Code 14 1B 14
Dec Code 20 27 20
Purpose Cancels expanded (double wide) print set by SO.
where: If the emulation is set at 5 cpi, it is set to 10 cpi.
If the emulation is set at 6 cpi, it is set to 12 cpi.
If the emulation is set at 8.55 cpi, it is set to 17.1 cpi.