
Chapter 4 Problem Solving 77
Printing Special Pages
There are special pages within the memory of the printer that will help
you to diagnose and learn about problems with your printer.
Note If your printers language was not automatically or correctly set
during installation, and you do not have the HP LaserJet Device
Configuration, you can set the language manually. Place the
HP LaserJet 2200 CD in the CD-ROM drive and from a DOS prompt
type: [copy x:\DOS\french.pjl LPT1], where x is your CD-ROM
drive, french is your desired language, and LPT1 is the port your
printer is connected to.
Demo Page
To print the demo page, press the GO button when the printer is ready
(Ready light is on).
Self Test/Configuration Page
The self test/configuration page lists many of the current settings and
properties of the printer. To print the self test/configuration page,
press and release the G
O and JOB CANCEL buttons simultaneously
when the printer is ready (Ready light is on). If you have an EIO print
server card installed, a second page, the JetDirect Page, will print
listing all of the HP JetDirect information.
Note The demo and self test/configuration pages can also be printed from
the HP LaserJet Device Configuration Reports page.
Cleaning Process
The printer has an Engine cleaning process that cleans internal areas
including the paper path area. The Engine cleaning process produces
a blank page that should be discarded. See Using the Printer
Cleaning Process.
Font List
To print a font list, use either the HP LaserJet Device Configuration
(Windows) or the HP LaserJet Utility (Macintosh).