Query :MACHine{1|2}:TTRigger:EDGE<N>? <label_name>
The EDGE query returns the current specification for the given label.
Returned Format
[:MACHine{1|2}:TTRigger:EDGE<N>] <label_name>,<edge_spec><NL>
Command :MACHine{1|2}:TTRigger:FIND<N> <time_qualifier>,
The FIND command defines the qualifier for a given sequence level. The
qualifier tells the timing analyzer when to proceed to the next sequence level.
When this proceed qualifier is matched for either the specified time or
occurrence, the sequencer will proceed to the next sequence level. In the
sequence level where the trigger is specified, the FIND command specifies
the trigger qualifier (see SEQuence command).
The terms A through G and I are defined by the TERM command. The
meaning of IN_RANGE and OUT_RANGE is determined by the RANGe
command. The edge terms are defined by the EDGE command. Expressions
are limited to what you could manually enter through the Timing Trigger
menu. Regarding parentheses, the syntax definitions below show only the
required ones. Additional parentheses are allowed as long as the meaning of
the expression is not changed. See figure 12-2 on page 12-11 for a detailed
<N> integer from 1 to the number of existing sequence levels (maximum 10)
<qualifier> see "Qualifier" on page 12-6
{{GT|LT}, <duration_time>|OCCurrence, <occurrence>}
GT greater than
TTRigger (TTRace) Subsystem