Voyager Data Examples
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 7-15
Before calibrating To optimize mass accuracy, do the following before calibrating:
1. Display the spectrum of interest.
Baseline correcting 2. From the Process menu, select Baseline Correction.
The spectrum is baseline corrected. For more
information, see Section 5.8.2, Using Baseline
Deisotoping 3. From the Peaks menu, select Peak Deisotoping.
The Deisotoping dialog box (Figure 7-14) is displayed.
Figure 7-14 Deisotoping Dialog Box
4. For this example spectrum, specify H for Adduct and
C6H5NO for Generic Formula.
5. Click OK.
Figure 7-15 shows the baseline-corrected, deisotoped
spectrum before calibration. For more information on
deisotoping, see Section 3.4, Deisotoping a Spectrum.
Figure 7-15 Baseline-Corrected, Deisotoped Spectrum
Before Calibration