Chapter 5 Examining Spectrum Data
5-60 Applied Biosystems
3. Select Duplicate Active Trace from the Display menu to
keep the original data displayed after processing.
4. From the Process menu, select Single-Charge
The Single-Charge Spectrum Conversion dialog box
(Figure 5-20) is displayed.
Figure 5-20 Single-Charge Spectrum Conversion
Dialog Box
5. In the Adduct text box, type or select the adduct that is the
charge-carrying species in the spectrum you are
6. Select the polarity for the converted spectrum. You must
select the same charge as the spectrum you are
If you do not select the same charge as the spectrum
you are evaluating, an incorrect mass is reported.
7. Click OK.
The converted spectrum is displayed with an SC trace
label. The height of each vertical bar corresponds to the
original peak areas.
8. To return to the original trace, see “Returning to the
original spectrum” on page 5-3.