Chapter 7 Data Explorer Examples
7-10 Applied Biosystems
Figure 7-7 Subtracted Spectrum
The peak at 391 is still present, which indicates one of the
following conditions:
• You did not subtract sufficient baseline
• The peak is a coeluting component
To evaluate further, create an extracted ion chromatogram for
391 Da as described below and evaluate the signal.
extracted ion
To create the extracted ion chromatogram, right-click-drag
over the peak at 391 Da in the spectrum trace.
NOTE: You can also create an extracted ion chromatogram
by selecting Trace from the Display menu, selecting
Extracted Ion, then entering a mass.
Figure 7-8 illustrates the extracted ion chromatogram for mass
391. The signal is relatively consistent, indicating that it is
background instead of a component peak.
Figure 7-8 Extracted Ion Chromatogram for Mass 391 Da