Chapter 5 Examining Spectrum Data
5-40 Applied Biosystems
11. Click OK.
The result is displayed in the Output window and the
zero-charge spectrum is displayed with a DECONV
trace label, if selected.
NOTE: The numerical result displayed in the output
window generally is more accurate than the
computer-generated spectrum.
12. To return to the original spectrum, click in the
toolbar. The number of the original spectrum is
displayed in the Select Spectrum dialog box.
13. Click OK.
Converting to
To convert to a zero-charge spectrum:
1. Activate the Spectrum window.
2. Select Duplicate Active Trace from the Display menu to
keep the original data displayed after processing.
3. From the Process menu, select Multiple Charge, then
select Convert to Zero-Charge Spectrum.
The Zero-Charge Spectrum Conversion dialog box
(Figure 5-12 on page 5-41) is displayed.
4. Specify the Input Spectrum m/z range to include in the
calculation by doing one of the following:
• Type in From and To values
• Right-click-drag over a region of the trace that
includes the m/z range of interest