Chapter 3 Peak Detection and Labeling
3-64 Applied Biosystems
To enter Peak Mass, X Value, or Mass Difference, you
can type values or right-click-drag over a peak. A Mass
Tolerance or X Tolerance of 1 is automatically entered
when you right-click-drag. Charge state is also
automatically entered when you right-click-drag a
spectrum peak.
8. Click OK.
The User Label Setup dialog box reappears.
9. To change any information, double-click the Label field in
the User Label Setup dialog box.
The User Label Entry dialog box for the label opens.
Enter the new values, then click OK.
Hint: You can sort the label list by any field by clicking
the column header button (see Figure 3-23 on
page 3-62).
10. To save the label settings as a .LBC or .LBS file, click
Save As, type a file name, then click Save.
11. Click OK.
The Peak Label dialog box reappears.
Chromatogram Parameter Description
Label Text of the label to display.
X Value Retention time or Spectrum Number of the
peak to label. The default units for X
Tolerance correspond to the units of the
X Tolerance Retention time or Spectrum Number that the
peak must fall within to apply user labels.