Step 15. Verifying Communication with a
Bi-Tronics Connection
To make sure your printer and computer are set up correctly to
communicate to each other, print out a directory list.
1 Make sure your computer and printer are ON, and your printer is
online. (Online indicator is lit.)
2 At the DOS root directory (A:\> or C:\>) type DIR>LPT1 and press
If you are using a UNIX environment, use the equivalent commands.
3 If the Data light on the Control Panel display stays ON perform the
following steps. Otherwise, continue to step 4.
a Press [Menus] until JOB CONTROL MENU appears.
b Press Items until PRESS SELECT TO FORMFEED appears.
c Press [Select* to print the page.
4 If the directory list prints, printer setup is complete. Now you can set
up your software to work with your new HP LaserJet printer.
5 If the printer does not print the directory list, and the printer’s control
panel does not display an error message, read through the
Troubleshooting Checklist for help in solving the problem.
6 If an error message appears in the printer control panel display, refer
to the Troubleshooting chapter (Chapter 7) in your printer user’s
guide for information.
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