Fluke 434/435
Users Manual
Freq: adjustment of Nominal Frequency. Use the up/down arrow keys
to select 60 or 50 Hz. Press Function key F5 – OK to confirm.
Limits: see section Limits Settings.
Clamp, A range, V scale: adjustment of the Analyzer to the
characteristics of current clamps and voltage leads. The default
selection is valid for the accessories as supplied with the Analyzer. The
supplied voltage leads are 1:1 types; when using attenuating leads or a
voltage transformer you must adapt the voltage scale accordingly (e.g.
10:1 for 10 times attenuation). Identically the current scale can be
adjusted when using current converters in combination with current
clamps. With the arrow keys you can customize voltage and current
readout to any desired transformation ratio. There are separate selection
tables for the Phases and Neutral: Function key F3 is used for selection.
F1 – LANGUAGE: use the up/down arrow keys to select the desired
information language. Press Function key F5 – OK to confirm.
F2 – VERSION & CAL: access to a read-only menu showing Model
Number, Serial Number, Calibration Number, Calibration Date, and a
survey of installed Options. The submenu under F1 is used to activate
options. Chapter 22 Tips and Maintenance explains how to do this.
F3 – FUNCTION PREF.: see section FUNCTION PREFerence.
F4 – USER PREF.: see section USER PREFerence.
F5 – BACK: return to last active measuring mode.