
Fluke 434/435
Users Manual
screenshot is saved as a file with date and time when saved. This occurs via a menu to
define a name for the file to be saved.
Name definition is done with the arrow keys: the up/down keys for character selection
and the left/right keys for character position. Spaces are inserted with Function key F3.
How to recall, print, and delete screenshots and how to rename them is explained in the
next section ‘Memory Operations’.
Memory Operations
The MEMORY button accesses menus to save, recall, view, delete and print datasets and
screenshots. When you press the MEMORY button, the current measurement screen is
Available function keys (in the sequence they are normally used):
SAVE. All data belonging to the measurement is saved in
memory. This occurs via a menu to define a name for the
file to be saved. Name definition is done with the arrow
keys: the up/down keys for character selection and the
left/right keys for character position. Spaces are inserted
with Function key F3. Date and time of the save action are
derived from Analyzer’s real time clock.
PRINT. Press to print the current screen. Section ‘Using
Printer and PC’ explains the Analyzer setup.
BACK. Press to resume the measurement.
RECALL / DELETE. Accesses the submenu to view,
delete, rename files and to use datasets. The submenu is
shown in the figure below: it lists all screen shots and data
sets in the sequence of date and time. The type column
indicates screen shots with a small symbol ( )and datasets
with a larger symbol ( ). You can use the up/down arrow
keys to highlight a particular to be viewed.