Fluke 434/435
Users Manual
In the Start menu you can choose a trigger event or a combination of trigger events,
transients (Volt) and current (AMP) trigger level, and Immediate or Timed start of the
The Analyzer may be set up to capture waveforms each time it sees: Voltage Transient,
Voltage Swell, Voltage Dip, Voltage Interruption, or Current swell. Dips (sags) and
swells are fast deviations from the nominal voltage. The duration of a transient must be 5
microseconds or more. The display window containing the transient is 1 cycle to 200 ms
depending on the zoom factor. During a dip the voltage sinks, and during a swell the
voltage rises. During an interruption the voltage falls to only a few percent of its nominal
value. A current swell is a current increase from one cycle to several seconds in duration.
Trigger criteria such as threshold and hysteresis are adjustable. These criteria are also
used for Power Quality Monitor: Adjustment is reached via the SETUP key, ‘limits’
selection, and then Function key F3 - EDIT. PERSISTENCE ON/OFF: can be set under
SETUP, FUNCTION PREFerence, Transients. How to proceed is explained in Chapter
20 Setup.
Cursor and Zoom can be used to investigate details of captured waveforms. Via the
SETUP key and function key F3 - FUNCTION PREFerence you can adjust the limits
associated with each type of trigger event. For detailed information see Chapter 20,