Fluke 434/435
Users Manual
Switch between voltage readout per phase
(A/L1,B/L2,C/L3,N) or phase-to-phase (AB,BC,CA) for 3-
phase Y configuration.
Switch between HOLD and RUN of screen update.
Cursor. When the Cursor is on, the waveform values at the Cursor are displayed in the
screen header. Positioning the Cursor across the left or right screen end brings the next
screen out of a maximum of 6 within viewing area.
Zoom. Allows you to expand or shrink the display vertically and horizontally to view
details or to see the complete graph within the screen area. Zoom and Cursor are operated
by the arrow keys and are explained in Chapter 19.
The Range of waveforms is preadjusted for a good display in almost all cases. This is
based upon Nominal Voltage (Vnom) and Current range (A Range).
If desired, you can change the Range. Also the PHASOR PREFerence is adjustable. This
concerns the rotation indication to show phasor rotation or phase sequence and the phase
angle representation (+/-). The adjustment menu is reached via the SETUP key and
function key F3 - FUNCTION PREF. See Chapter 20, FUNCTION PREFerences.
Waveform persistence can be set to on with function key F1 in this menu to analyze wave
shape changes over time.
Scope Phasor
To access the Phasor screen:
The Phasor screen displays the phase relation between voltages and currents in a vector
diagram. The vector of reference channel A (L1) points in the positive horizontal
direction. Additional numerical values are fundamental phase voltage, frequency, and
phase angles. The screen header shows rms voltage and/or current values.
Available function keys:
Selection of additional data to be displayed: all voltages, all
currents, or voltage and current phase by phase.
Return to the Scope Waveform.
Switch between HOLD and RUN of screen update.