Fluke 434/435
Users Manual
Figure 19-3. Waveform display with cursor and zoom on
Press Function key F2 to obtain a subset with keys to control Cursor and Zoom:
• Press F3 to switch the Cursor on. Use the left/right arrow keys to move the Cursor
horizontally along the waveforms. The value of the waveforms at the Cursor is
displayed in the screen header as shown in Figure 19.2.
• Press F4 to assign the arrow keys to Zoom operation as shown in Figure 19.3. The
left/right arrow keys can be used now to stretch or shrink the waveforms horizontally.
The up/down arrow keys do this in vertical direction. If the Cursor is on, horizontal
zoom operates symmetrically around the Cursor. When off, horizontal zoom operates
around the screen center. Vertical zoom operates around the screen center.
• Press F4 again to assign the arrow keys to Cursor operation.
• With F2 you can return to the previous menu.
Cursor on Trend Displays
As an example the Volts/Amps/Hertz Trend display is used. Cursor and Zoom for other
Trend displays function in the same way.
Figure 19.4 shows the Trend screen with Cursor and Zoom switched off. The screen
header displays RMS values of the Trends at the right screen side. This is the screen side
with the most recent measuring values.
Figure 19-4. Trend display, no cursor
Figure 19-5. Trend display, cursor on