The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 59 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
Next, add a menupage module and connect the
userobject outputs of the five knob modules to its
userobject inputs (adding repeating fields as necessary) as shown
to the right. Connect the menupage module’s
userobject output to the head module.
Finally, double click on the menupage module
and change its specifiers as shown to the right. Be
sure to include the “ ^1” prior to the description and
8 char name. The significance of these will be
discussed when we create a Supermodule. If we
weren’t planning on creating a Supermodule, the “
^1” would not be included.
Our single channel compressor is now fully
functional. You can name it if you like (use the “Set
title,author” command under the Edit menu)
and Send it to the