The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 17 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
On the Harmonizer, ensure that MIDI is enabled and system
is on. You will find these parameters on the [midi]
menu page in the
SETUP area.
If you find that your PC is “unhappy” about the speed of
transmission (as in “it’s too fast!”), lower the
sysex speed
parameter on the “second”
[midi] menu page in the SETUP area.
This will dumb down the Harmonizer’s transmission speed.
Establishing a Serial Connection
Assuming you’ve launched VSigfile, choose Comms under the Preferences menu.
Choose Serial as the Comms Type in the dialog box that opens.
Choose Serial Config to select the comms port you would like to use.
You must also ensure that the
baud rate, the data bits, the stop bits, and the parity agree on the
Harmonizer and VSigfile. These parameters are found on the “third”
[midi] menu page in the SETUP area
in the Harmonizer (as shown above right) and in Serial Config under the Preferences menu in VSigfile (as
shown above left) . The higher you set the
baud rate the faster the communication will be between the
Harmonizer and your computer. However, most computers have a ceiling above which errors occur. You
should set the baud rate as high as you can (on both machines) without incurring errors. On the
Harmonizer, ensure that
serial is enabled and system exclusive is on. You will find these parameters
on the
[midi] menu page in the SETUP area.
Connect your computer’s serial port to the Harmonizer’s serial port and ensure that no other device on your
computer is hogging the comms port (the modem is a common offender on the author’s computer).
If VSigfile is unable to access its assigned comms port, you will get the
message shown to the right. It means that there is a device (or another
program) hogging the comms port or that there is something wrong with
the selected comms port. Either way, you’ve got a problem to ferret out.
VSigfile will itself hog the comms port. To “disconnect” VSigfile from the comms port (so that you can
use another device), choose Disconnect from the Midi menu.