The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 14 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
A mod output is used to pass a high performance modulation signal from a module. A mod output may be
connected to any number of audio or mod inputs. Mod outputs are always found on the right side of a
module. See the comments made immediately above concerning the “low-fi” status of mod signals.
Most modules have a userobject output. The userobject output can be connected to the userobject input on a
menupage module, the head module, or a gang module. Such a connection will allow the module’s
parameters to be accessible in the
PARAMETER area. The existence or use of a userobject does not affect
system resources or memory. This means that menu pages can be created without using much in the way of
resources or program memory.
In VSigfile, userobject outputs are always found on the right side of a module. In the Patch Editor area,
userobject outputs are not explicitly shown.
A handful of modules (gang, head, and menupage) have userobject inputs. This means that these
modules can accept as inputs other modules’ userobject outputs. For instance, a menupage module may be
used to create a
PARAMETER area menu page by accepting the userobjects of other modules.
In VSigfile, userobject inputs are always found on the left side of a module. In the Patch Editor area, userobject
inputs are not explicitly shown.