The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 42 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
Rfader Module
The rfader module creates a
graphic on the
screen. The graphic, including
title, takes up four lines of the
screen and one quarter of the
width of the screen. Up to four
of these modules can fit on one
menu page.
Nine characters of the menu
statement are displayed above
the graphic as a title. Refer to
the Modules Section for
complete information.
Vfader Module
The vfader module creates a
graphic on the PARAMETER
screen. The graphic, including
title, takes up four lines of the
screen and one sixth of the
width of the screen. Up to six
of these modules can fit on one
menu page.
Six characters of the 8 char
name are displayed in the
graphic as a title. Refer to the
Modules Section for complete