The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 34 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
Getting Programs from the Harmonizer
In addition to creating programs from scratch in VSigfile, you can alter programs
that exist in the Harmonizer. First,
<load> the program in the Harmonizer.
Orville users: make sure the DSP running the program is referred to in the upper
left corner of Orville’s display. Then select the Get command under the Midi
menu in VSigfile.
If you already have a patch in the active window of VSigfile, you
will get the warning that “All changes will be lost.” This means
that the program you Get from the Harmonizer will overwrite
the patch in the active window. To go ahead, press Yes, to
abort, press No.
Once to program is downloaded, its modules will appear in one
big string across the top
of the display as shown
right. Yuck.
This is a good time to use the re-Position
command under the Edit menu. The result will
look something like that shown to the right.
You’ve still got some organizing to do, but at least
you have a prayer now. A good way to organize
something like this is to first hide Control, Misc,
and Unconnects under the View menu and then
organize the remaining modules. Then show
Control and organize what appears. Finally, show
Misc and organize what appears.