
EPSON Stylus Color 900 Revision C
Adjustment Adjustments 137
5.2.3 Head Actuator Voltage Input
This section describes how to input Head ID. Perform this operation
under the following conditions:
1. The printhead has been replaced.
2. The C265 Main board has been replaced.
3. When the ROM (version TEE012A, 01B, or 01C) is replaced with
the revised one (TEE01D or newer).
After replacing the printhead, be sure to install a new ink
cartridge in the I/C replacement sequence before inputting the
Head ID.
After replacing the printhead, if you install the I/C before turning
on the printer, the next power on may cause the Head Hot Error
(Panel Indication = Ink Out Error), and the printer loses all
controls by the PC in that error condition.
1. Before replacing the printhead or main board, make a note of a 22-
digit head ID.
2. Referring to Section 5.2.1, perform the preliminary operation.
3. Select “Adjustment 1” and then “Head Actuator Voltage ID Input”.
4. The following screen appears.
Figure 5-7. Head ID Input / Check Selection Screen
5. Select “Input data”.
Figure 5-8. Head ID Input Screen
Reading out the present Market Destination
Esc: Previous
M arket Destination is W orld NLSP.
Head Actuator Voltage ID Input
E s c: P re v io u s U p /D o w n a rro w s: S e le ct E n te r: O K
Check present data
Input data
There is a possibility that you encounter the ink out error if you ignore the following
procedure for replacing the print head. Therefore, you m ust keep the follow ing procedure
when you reinstall a brand-new head.
1. W rite dow n the new head ID. Replace the old head w ith a brand-new head.
2. Turn on the printer. (I/C out error will occur.)
3. Install the brand-new I/C by obeying the usual I/C replacem ent sequence.
4. Input the head ID written on the head. (If you m is-type the head ID, the program will
autom atically return to the input mode.)
5. Continue to the head adjustm ent such as the Head Angular and Bi-D.
****** Don't install a brand-new I/C before you turn on the printer. ******