
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config sflow counter_poller
interval - The maximum number of seconds between successive samples of the counters.
If set it 0, the counter-sample is disabled.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
Configure the interval of sFlow counter poller port 1 to be 0:
DGS-3627:admin# config sflow counter_poller ports 1 interval disable
Command: config sflow counter_poller ports 1 interval disable
delete sflow counter_poller
Purpose Used to delete the sFlow counter poller.
delete sflow counter_poller ports [<portlist> | all]
Description Delete the sFlow counter_poller from the specified port.
Parameters None.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
Delete sFlow counter poller on port 1:
DGS-3627:admin# delete sflow counter_poller ports 1
Command: delete sflow counter_poller ports 1
create sflow analyzer_server
Purpose Used to create the analyzer server.
create sflow analyzer_server < value 1-4 > owner<name 16> {timeout [<sec m-n> |
infinite] | collectoraddress [<ipaddr> | <ipv6addr>] | collectorport <udp_port_number 1-
65535> | maxdatagramsize < value m-n>}
Description Creates the analyzer_server. You can specify more than one analyzer_server with the same
IP address but with different UDP port numbers. You can have up to four unique
combinations of IP address and UDP port number.
owner - The entity making use of this sFlow analyzer_server. When owner is set or modified,
the timeout value will become 400 automaticly.
timeout - The length of time before the server is timed out. When the analyzer_server times
out, all of the flow_samplers and counter_pollers associated with this analyzer_server will be
deleted. If not specified, its default value is 400.
collectoraddress - The IP address of the analyzer_server. If this is set to 0 or not specified,
the IPv4 address is and the entry is not active.
collectorport - The destination UDP port for sending the sFlow datagrams. If not specified, the
default value is 6364.