
ISDN Software Reference for Linux and Windows
cc_CauseValue( ) - retrieves the error/cause code of a failure .............................67
cc_Close( ) - closes a previously opened line device............................................70
cc_CRN2LineDev( ) - matches a CRN to its line device handle ..........................73
cc_DropCall( ) - allows the application to disconnect a call.................................75
cc_GetANI( ) - retrieves Automatic Number Identification (ANI) information ...80
cc_GetBChanState( ) - retrieves the status of the B channel ................................83
cc_GetBilling( ) - gets the call charge information...............................................86
cc_GetCallInfo( ) - gets the information elements associated with the CRN........89
cc_GetCES( ) - retrieves the connection endpoint suffix......................................93
cc_GetChanId( ) - gets the last channel information.............................................96
cc_GetCRN( ) - retrieves the call reference number for the event......................101
cc_GetDChanState( ) - retrieves the status of the D channel ..............................104
cc_GetDLinkCfg( ) - retrieves the configuration of a logical link......................107
cc_GetDLinkState( ) - retrieves the logical data link state .................................109
cc_GetDNIS( ) - gets the dialed number information string ...............................112
cc_GetEvtMsk( ) - retrieves the current ISDN event mask.................................115
cc_GetFrame( ) - retrieves the frame ..................................................................119
cc_GetInfoElem( ) - gets information elements associated with a line device....122
cc_GetLineDev( ) - retrieves the line device handle for an event.......................125
cc_GetMoreDigits( ) - collects more digits via overlap receiving ......................127
cc_GetNetCRV( ) - retrieves the network call reference value...........................131
cc_GetNonCallMsg( ) - retrieves call data for a GLOBAL or NULL CRN
cc_GetParm( ) - gets the current parameter values of the line device.................138
cc_GetParmEx( ) - retrieve parameters containing variable data........................144
cc_GetSAPI( ) - retrieves the service access point ID ........................................148
cc_GetSigInfo( ) - gets the signaling information of an incoming message........151
cc_GetUsrAttr( ) - gets the established attribute for the line device ...................156
cc_GetUsrAttr( ) - gets the established attribute for the line device ...................156
cc_GetVer( ) - retrieves the firmware version number .......................................159
cc_HoldAck( ) - accept a hold request from remote equipment .........................161
cc_HoldCall( ) - place an active call on hold......................................................164
cc_HoldRej( ) - reject a hold request from remote equipment............................167
cc_MakeCall( ) - request a connection to make an outgoing call .......................170
cc_Open( ) - opens a device................................................................................176
cc_PlayTone( ) - play a user-defined tone ..........................................................179
cc_ReleaseCall( ) - release all internal resources................................................183
cc_ReleaseCallEx( ) - release all Dialogic ISDN resources ...............................186
cc_ReqANI( ) - returns the caller ID ..................................................................190