
8. Application Guidelines
isdiag <board> <channel> <boardtype> <type> <trace mode> <voice>
<board> is the board number 1 through 4 (dti1 - dti4)
<channel> is the channel time slot number (1-23 for T-1, 1-30 for E-1, 1-2
for BRI)
<boardtype> is the type of board: “t” for T-1, “e” for E-1, “b” for BRI/SC,
“b2” for BRI/2)
<type> is the Bus type; “p” for PEB and “s” for SCbus)
<trace mode> indicates whether waitcall is issued at startup; “r” is for trace
mode (no waitcall issued at startup). The default is normal mode
(waitcall issued at startup).
<voice> indicates whether voice is supported; “v” is for voice supported
(span cards). The default is no voice support (dti cards).
If BRI is chosen as the board type, ISDIAG will prompt for input settings for the
BRI D channel configuration. Refer to the function description for
cc_SetDChanCfg( ) for information on the possible settings for BRI D channel
After the channel and type are selected, the program will automatically configure
the system and display the first level menu. At this level, the following actions can
be selected:
Set outbound call parameters
Request calling party number (ANI)
Send maintenance request
Display information (called party subaddress, user-to-user information, B and
D channel status)
Drop ISDN calls
Make outbound ISDN calls
Stop play/record/dial
Set and get ISDN information elements
Send ISDN messages
Start, stop, and browse ISDN trace files