
7. ISDN Events and Errors
There are three cause/error locations, as described in Table 49 below.
Table 49. Cause/Error Locations
Cause/Error Location Return Conditions
Returned when there is a firmware-related
cause/error. Firmware errors are listed in the
isdncmd.h file. (See Section 7.2.1. Cause/Error
Codes from the ISDN Firmware.)
Returned with a CCEV_DISCONNECTED event.
The application uses cc_ResultValue( ) to retrieve
the cause value. Network cause values are listed in
the isdncmd.h file. (See Section 7.2.2. Cause/Error
Codes from the ISDN Network.)
ISDN Library
Returned when there is a library-related cause/error.
Library errors are listed in the isdnerr.h file. (See
Section 7.2.3. Cause/Error Codes from the ISDN
The following sections provide the cause values and return codes from each of the
error/cause locations. Refer to the files ccerr.h and isdncmd.h for a comprehensive
list of error values.
7.2.1. Cause/Error Codes from the ISDN Firmware
The following table provides the error/cause codes located in the ISDN firmware.
Error values include the hex followed by the decimal equivalent in parentheses.