
ISDN Software Reference for Linux and Windows
The application may also use the Dialogic function calls to retrieve additional
event or error information. For example:
sr_getevtdatap( )
sr_getevtlen( )
8.2.3. Handling Alarms
All ISDN trunk alarms are reported to and handled by the application in the same
way as DTI trunk alarms. Additionally, when the trunk is lost, all active calls will
be disconnected automatically and a CCEV_DISCONNECTED event will be
reported for each line device.
8.3. Programming Considerations - PRI and BRI
This section addresses the following programming considerations involved in
using board functions:
resource association (PRI and BRI)
MAKECALL Block initialization and settings
information element settings
8.3.1. Resource Association
Each Dialogic ISDN API line device is implemented as an association of a
network time slot device. The application uses cc_Open( ) to indicate to the driver
which resources to use to control a specific line.
Each PRI structure is composed of one D channel and 23 (T1) or 30 (E1) B
(bearer) channels. A PRI board device, such as dtiB1, is defined as a station and
controls the D channel. A PRI time slot device, such dtiB1T1, is defined as a
bearer channel under a station.