
8. Application Guidelines
North American protocols often require TE devices to be fully initializing. This
means that the Service Profile Identifier (SPID) must be transmitted and
acknowledged by the switch. For the User side, the SPID is programmed in the D
channel configuration using cc_SetDChanCfg( ). When the SPID is accepted or
rejected by the switch, the application receives either a
When attaching to a real switch, the SPID must be requested from the
switch operator before a connection is attempted.
For the Network side, the application is notified of a TE registration request via
the CCEV_TERM_REGISTER board level event. The application must respond
to the event using the cc_TermRegisterResponse( ) function on the board level
device to fully initialize the terminal.
Refer to the function descriptions for cc_TermRegisterResponse( ) and
cc_SetDChanCfg( ) for more information on terminal initialization. Also see the
Call Scenarios in Appendix A for the sequence of messages and events required
for BRI terminal initialization.
8.4.3. BRI/SC Tone Generation Configuration
Tones can be generated and played on any B channel with the use of the BRI/SC
board's on-board DSP chip. In-band tones can be activated either by the host
application and/or the firmware. This allows the application to combine in-band
call progress-related information with the out-of-band signaling information.
The firmware applies tones only to stations configured as the Network side. The
firmware must be configured by the host application to apply the call progress
tones as well as to which PCM to use.
Under a Network configuration, and when enabled, the firmware automatically
generates a dial tone when a SETUP message is received from a user and more
digits are required. A ringback tone is generated when the network sends an
ALERT message. After a call is connected, no other tones are generated.