72 Configuring the iDRAC6 Using the Web Interface
Active Directory CA Certificate
Certificate The certificate of the Certificate Authority that signs all
the domain controllers’ Security Socket Layer (SSL) server
Extended Schema
iDRAC Name: Specifies the name that uniquely
identifies the iDRAC in Active Directory. This value is
NULL by default.
iDRAC Domain Name: The DNS name (string) of the
domain where the Active Directory iDRAC object resides.
This value is NULL by default.
These settings will be displayed only if the iDRAC has been
configured for use with an Extended Active Directory
Standard Schema
Global Catalog Server Address 1-3 (FQDN or IP):
Specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or the
IPaddress of the Global Catalog server(s). At least one of
the 3 addresses is required to be configured. iDRAC6
attempts to connect to each of the configured addresses
one-by-one until it makes a successful connection.
The Global Catalog server is required for standard schema
only in the case that the user accounts and the role groups
are in different domains.
Role Groups: Specifies the list of role groups associated with
Group Name: Specifies the name that identifies the role
group in the Active Directory associated with iDRAC6.
Group Domain: Specifies the group domain.
Group Privilege: Specifies the group privilege level.
These settings will be displayed only if the iDRAC has been
configured for use with a Standard Active Directory
Table 4-18. Active Directory Configuration and Management Page Options
Attribute Description