Advanced iDRAC6 Configuration 125
iDRAC6 Modes
The iDRAC6 can be configured in one of four modes:
• Shared with Failover LOM2
• Shared with Failover All LOMs
Table 5-16 provides a description of each mode.
Frequently Asked Questions about Network
When accessing the iDRAC6 Web-based interface, I get a security warning
stating the hostname of the SSL certificate does not match the hostname of
the iDRAC6.
The iDRAC6 includes a default iDRAC6 server certificate to ensure network
security for the Web-based interface and remote
RACADM features. When
this certificate is used, the Web browser displays a security warning because
the default certificate is issued to iDRAC6 default certificate which does not
match the host name of the iDRAC6 (for example, the IP address).
To address this security concern, upload a iDRAC6 server certificate issued to
the IP address or the iDRAC name of the iDRAC6. When generating the
certificate signing request (CSR) to be used for issuing the certificate,
ensure that the common name (CN) of the CSR matches the IP address
Table 5-16. iDRAC6 NIC Configurations
Mode Description
Dedicated The iDRAC6 uses its own NIC (RJ-45 connector) and the
iDRAC MAC address for network traffic.
Shared The iDRAC6 uses LOM1 on the planar.
Shared with
Failover LOM2
The iDRAC6 uses LOM1 and LOM2 as a team for failover.
The team uses the iDRAC6 MAC address.
Shared with
Failover All
The iDRAC6 uses LOM1, LOM2, LOM3, and LOM4 as a
team for failover. The team uses the iDRAC6 MAC address.