Advanced iDRAC6 Configuration 101
Switching Between RAC Serial Interface Communication Mode and
Serial Console
iDRAC6 supports Escape key sequences that allow switching between
RAC Serial Interface communication and Serial Console.
To set your system to allow this behavior, do the following:
Turn on or restart your system.
Press <F2> immediately after you see the following message:
<F2> = System Setup
Scroll down and select
Serial Communication
by pressing <Enter>.
Set the
Serial Communication
screen as follows:
serial communication -- On with serial redirection via com2
NOTE: You can set the serial communication field to On with serial
redirection via com1 as long as serial device2 in the serial port address field is
also set to com1.
serial port address -- Serial device1 = com1, serial device2 = com2
external serial connector -- Serial device 2
failsafe baud rate....115200
remote terminal type ...vt100/vt220
redirection after boot ... Enabled
Then, select
Save Changes
Press <Esc> to exit the
System Setup
program and complete the System
Setup program configuration.
Connect the null modem cable between the managed system's external serial
connector and the management station’s serial port.
Use a terminal emulation program (hyperterminal or teraterm) on the
management station and based on where the managed server is in its boot
process, you will see either the POST screens or the operating system screens.
This is based on the configuration: SAC for windows and Linux text mode
screens for Linux. Set the management station’s terminal settings as Baud
Rate–115200, data–8 bit, parity–none, stop–1 bit, and Flow Control–None.