
Configuring Security Features 355
Table 22-8. SSH Settings
Setting Description
Enabled Enables or disable SSH. When checked, the checkbox
indicates that SSH is enabled.
Timeout The secure shell idle timeout, in seconds. The Timeout
range is 60 to 1920 seconds. Enter 0 seconds to disable the
Timeout feature. The default is 300.
Port Number The port on which the iDRAC6 listens for an SSH
connection. The default is 22.
Table 22-9. Telnet Settings
Setting Description
Enabled Enables or disables Telnet. When checked, Telnet is
Timeout The Telnet idle timeout in seconds. Timeout range is 60
to 1920 seconds. Enter 0 seconds to disable the Timeout
feature. The default is 300.
Port Number The port on which the iDRAC6 listens for a Telnet
connection. The default is 23.
Table 22-10. Remote RACADM Settings
Setting Description
Enabled Enables/disables Remote RACADM. When checked,
Remote RACADM is enabled.
Active Sessions The number of current sessions on the system.