Using GUI Virtual Console 219
To disable (turn off) local video on the server, uncheck the
Local Server
Video Enabled
checkbox on the
page, and then click
. The default value is OFF.
NOTE: If the local server video is turned ON, it will take 15 seconds to
turn OFF.
To enable (turn on) local video on the server, check the
Local Server
Video Enabled
checkbox on the
page, and then click
Launching Virtual Console and Virtual Media
You can launch Virtual Console/Virtual Media by entering a single URL on a
supported browser instead of launching it from the iDRAC6 Web GUI.
Depending on your system configuration, you will either go through the
manual authentication process (login page) or will be directed to the Virtual
Console/Virtual Media viewer automatically.
NOTE: Internet Explorer supports Local, Active Directory (AD), Smart Card (SC) and
Single Sign-On (SSO) logins. Firefox supports only Local, AD, and SSO logins on
Windows-based operating system. It does not support SC login.
URL Format
If you enter the link<IP>/console in the browser, you may be required
to go through the normal manual login procedure depending on the login
configuration. If SSO is not enabled and Local, AD, or SC login is enabled,
the corresponding login page is displayed. If the login is successful, the
Virtual Console/Virtual Media view is not launched. Instead, you are
redirected to the iDRAC6 GUI home page.