792 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Basic IP parameters and defaults – Layer 3 Switches
• Multicast protocols:
- Internet Group Membership Protocol (IGMP) – refer to “Changing global IP multicast
parameters” on page 729
- Protocol Independent Multicast Dense (PIM-DM) – refer to “PIM Dense” on page 733
- Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse (PIM-SM) – refer to “PIM Sparse” on page 742
• Router redundancy protocols:
- Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Extended (VRRPE) – refer to Chapter 31, “Configuring
- Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) – refer to Chapter 31, “Configuring VRRP and
The following tables list the Layer 3 Switch IP parameters, their default values, and where to find
configuration information.
For information about parameters in other protocols based on IP, such as RIP, OSPF, and so on, refer
to the configuration chapters for those protocols.
When parameter changes take effect
Most IP parameters described in this chapter are dynamic. They take effect immediately, as soon
as you enter the CLI command or select the Web Management Interface option. You can verify that
a dynamic change has taken effect by displaying the running-config. To display the running-config,
enter the show running-config or write terminal command at any CLI prompt. (You cannot display
the running-config from the Web Management Interface.)
To save a configuration change permanently so that the change remains in effect following a
system reset or software reload, save the change to the startup-config file:
• To save configuration changes to the startup-config file, enter the write memory command
from the Privileged EXEC level of any configuration level of the CLI.
• To save the configuration changes using the Web Management Interface, select the Save link
at the bottom of the dialog. Select Yes when prompted to save the configuration change to the
startup-config file on the device flash memory. You also can access the dialog for saving
configuration changes by clicking on Command in the tree view, then clicking on Save to Flash.
Changes to memory allocation require you to reload the software after you save the changes to the
startup-config file. When reloading the software is required to complete a configuration change
described in this chapter, the procedure that describes the configuration change includes a step
for reloading the software.
IP global parameters – Layer 3 Switches
Table 144 lists the IP global parameters for Layer 3 Switches.