PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 767
Disabling CPU processing for select multicast groups
PowerConnect(config)#router pim
PowerConnect(config-pim-router)#bsr-candidate loopback 1 32 100
PowerConnect(config-pim-router)#rp-candidate loopback 1 group-list 5
Syntax: [no] rp-candidate ethernet [<slotnum>/]<portnum> | loopback <num> | ve <num>
[group-list <access-list-num>]
The <slotnum> parameter is required on chassis devices.
The <portnum> | loopback <num> | ve <num> parameter specifies the interface. The Layer 3
Switch will advertise the specified interface IP address as a candidate RP:
• Enter ethernet [<slotnum>/]<portnum> for a physical interface (port).
• Enter ve <num> for a virtual interface.
• Enter loopback <num> for a loopback interface.
The group-list <access-list-num> indicates that a standard ACL is used to filter for which multicast
group the advertisement will be made.
Extended ACLs cannot be used for group-list.
Disabling CPU processing for select multicast groups
In IPv4 multicast, Layer 3 switches do not forward multicast packets with destination addresses in
the range between and These group addresses are reserved for various
routing protocols. By default, packets destined to these groups are processed by the CPU.
However, when a large number of packets for these groups are received by the Dell PowerConnect
device all at once, CPU resources may be overloaded. To alleviate the load on the CPU, you could
disable CPU processing of packets for these groups. When applied, this feature protects the CPU
from traffic sent to IPV4 multicast addresses in the range -, and instead
floods these packets in hardware within the incoming VLAN.
This feature can be applied on a VLAN or a VLAN-group. If applied on a VLAN, traffic received on a
port of the VLAN will be flooded to all other ports of the VLAN. If applied on a VLAN-group, traffic
will be flooded only at the individual VLAN level. Once this feature is applied on a VLAN or
VLAN-group, ports that are statically or dynamically added to the VLAN or VLAN-group will inherit
the configuration. Likewise, ports that are statically or dynamically removed from the VLAN or
VLAN-group will drop the configuration.
This feature can be enabled for packets destined to a multicast group or set of groups in the range –, except for the reserved multicast addresses listed in the following table.
TABLE 139 Reserved multicast addresses
Multicast address Reserved for... all nodes PIM DVMRP DVMRP OSPF OSPF