PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 731
Changing global IP multicast parameters
You do not need to reload the software for these changes to take effect.
Defining the maximum number of DVMRP cache entries
The DVMRP cache system parameter defines the maximum number of repeated DVMRP traffic
being sent from the same source address and being received by the same destination address. To
define this maximum, enter a command such as the following.
PowerConnect(config)#system-max dvmrp-mcache 500
Syntax: system-max dvmrp-mcache <num>
The <num> parameter specifies the maximum number of multicast cache entries for DVMRP.
Enter a number from 128 – 4096. The default is 512.
Defining the maximum number of PIM cache entries
The PIM cache system parameter defines the maximum number of repeated PIM traffic being sent
from the same source address and being received by the same destination address. To define this
maximum, enter a command such as the following.
PowerConnect(config)#system-max pim-mcache 999
Syntax: system-max pim-mcache <num>
The <num> parameter specifies the maximum number of multicast cache entries for PIM. Enter a
number from 256 – 4096. The default is 1024.
Changing IGMP V1 and V2 parameters
IGMP allows routers to limit the multicast of IGMP packets to only those ports on the router that are
identified as IP Multicast members. This section applies to Dell PowerConnect devices that support
IGMP versions 1 and 2.
The router actively sends out host queries to identify IP Multicast groups on the network, inserts
the group information in an IGMP packet, and forwards the packet to IP Multicast neighbors.
The following IGMP V1 and V2 parameters apply to PIM and DVMRP:
• IGMP query interval – Specifies how often the Layer 3 Switch queries an interface for group
• IGMP group membership time – Specifies how many seconds an IP Multicast group can remain
on a Layer 3 Switch interface in the absence of a group report.
• IGMP maximum response time – Specifies how many seconds the Layer 3 Switch will wait for
an IGMP response from an interface before concluding that the group member on that
interface is down and then removing the interface from the group.
To change these parameters, you must first enable IP multicast routing by entering the following CLI
command at the global CLI level.
PowerConnect(config)#ip multicast-routing
Syntax: [no] ip multicast-routing