474 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Configuring VLAN groups and virtual routing interface groups
Syntax: show vlan-group [<group-id>]
The <group-id> specifies a VLAN group. If you do not use this parameter, the configuration
information for all the configured VLAN groups is displayed.
Configuring a virtual routing interface group
A virtual routing interface group allows you to associate the same IP subnet interface with multiple
port-based VLANs. For example, if you associate a virtual routing interface group with a VLAN
group, all the VLANs in the group have the IP interface of the virtual routing interface group.
Configuration notes and feature limitations
• When you configure a virtual routing interface group, all members of the group have the same
IP subnet address. This feature is useful in collocation environments where the device has
many IP addresses and you want to conserve the IP address space.
• The group-router-interface command creates router interfaces for each VLAN in the VLAN
group by using the VLAN IDs of each of the VLANs as the corresponding virtual interface
number. Therefore, if a VLAN group contains VLAN IDs greater than the maximum virtual
interface number allowed, the group-router-interface command will be rejected.
CLI syntax
To configure a virtual routing interface group, enter commands such as the following.
PowerConnect(config)# vlan-group 1
PowerConnect(config-vlan-group-1)# group-router-interface
PowerConnect(config-vlan-group-1)# exit
PowerConnect(config)# interface group-ve 1
PowerConnect(config-vif-group-1)# ip address
These commands enable VLAN group 1 to have a group virtual routing interface, then configure
virtual routing interface group 1. The software always associates a virtual routing interface group
only with the VLAN group that has the same ID. In this example, the VLAN group ID is 1, so the
corresponding virtual routing interface group also must have ID 1.
Syntax: group-router-interface
Syntax: interface group-ve <num>
Syntax: [no] ip address <ip-addr> <ip-mask> [secondary]
Syntax: [no] ip address <ip-addr>/<mask-bits> [secondary]
PowerConnect# show vlan-group
vlan-group 1 vlan 2 to 20
tagged ethe 1/1 to 1/2
vlan-group 2 vlan 21 to 40
tagged ethe 1/1 to 1/2