PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 125
Managing your IronStack
Stacking mode
When a unit is stack-enabled or joins a stack either actively or passively, it reserves priority queue 7
for stacking traffic control, assigns buffers for the stacking ports, and configures the first two 10
Gbps ports as stacking ports.
Designated stacking ports cannot contain any configuration information, such as VLAN
membership, etc. If configuration information exists, stack enable will fail. You must remove all
configuration information from the port and re-issue the stack enable command.
To enable stacking mode on a new unit before you add it to the stack, enter the following
PowerConnect(config)# stack enable
Enable stacking. This unit actively participates in stacking
Syntax: [no] stack enable
To see the configuration of the stack at any time, enter the show stacking configuration command.
To remove stacking capability, enter the no stack enable command. This prevents the unit from
actively sending out probe messages, however the unit could still be called to join a stack by an
Active Controller. To prevent this, enter the stack disable command.
The stack disable command prevents a unit from sending or listening for any stacking probe
messages. In this mode, the unit cannot be forced to join a stack.
PowerConnect(config)# stack disable
Syntax: [no] stack disable
To remove this restriction, enter the no stack disable command.
show statistics stack-port “Displaying stacking port statistics” on page 146
show interfaces stack-ports “Displaying stacking port interface information” on page 145
show version “Displaying software version information” on page 144
stack enable “Stacking mode” on page 125
stack disable “Stacking mode” on page 125
stack mac [mac-address] “IronStack management MAC address” on page 120
stack persistent-mac-timer “Persistent MAC address” on page 128
stack-port “Changing default stacking port configurations” on page 112
default-ports “Changing default stacking port configurations” on page 112
stack secure-setup “Scenario 1 - Configuring a three-member IronStack in a ring topology using
secure-setup” on page 101
stack unconfigure “Unconfiguring an IronStack” on page 130
hitless-failover enable “Enabling hitless stacking” on page 174
stack-switchover “Executing a hitless stacking switchover” on page 177
debug stacking sync_rel_msg “Displaying hitless stacking diagnostic information” on page 184
TABLE 23 Stacking CLI commands (Continued)
Command Description location...