Index 13
vol copy throttle command, 15-10
vol create -l command, 5-13
vol status command, 17-2
vol status -d command, 17-2
vol status -l command, 5-13
vol status -r command, 17-3
vol status -v command, 17-3
vol.copy.throttle option, 15-10, 19-20
creating with specified language, 5-12
setting language, 5-12
volume copy operation numbers, 15-9
volume copying
checking status of, 15-8
how to stop, 15-10
possible errors during, 15-8
recommendation for, 15-4
requirements for, 15-3
volume options
minra, 19-15
nosnap, 19-16
nosnapdir, 19-16
nvfail, 4-29
raidsize, 19-17
root, 19-17
snapmirrored, 3-13
vol.copy.throttle, 19-20
adding disks to, 3-12
adding foreign, 3-13
administrative actions, 1-7
and management tasks, 3-11
changing the speed of copying, 15-10
concepts, 3-6
configuration of, 3-7
converting from mirror to regular,
creating, 3-11
defined, 1-6
destroying, 3-14
differences between mirror and
regular, 16-3
displaying file statistics, 3-15
displaying information about, 17-2
displaying language use, 5-13
displaying state information, 17-2
error message about invalid names,
handling failures, 3-14
making inactive, 3-13
monitoring status, 3-12
mounting, 3-7
naming conventions, 3-6
problems with, 18-4
removing, 3-8
renaming, 3-14
renaming and effect on shares, 7-1
replicating, 16-1
reverting, 3-21
setting options, 3-12
snapmirrored status, 16-3
WAFL credential cache
entry, adding, 5-20
entry, deleting, 5-21
managing, 5-17
setting how long entry is valid, 5-19
statistics display, 5-21
UNIX name mapping result, 5-24
Windows name mapping result, 5-25
wafl.convert_ucode option, 19-20
wafl.create_ucode option, 19-20
wafl.default_nt_user option, 19-20
wafl.default_unix_user option, 19-21
wafl.maxdirsize option, 17-8, 19-21
wafl.root_only_chown option, 19-21
wafl.wcc_minutes_valid option, 5-17,
5-20, 19-21