Index 1
access events, CIFS, auditing, 7-26
access logging, CIFS
disabling, 7-29
enabling, 7-29
access rights
assigning rights to users, 7-20
CIFS shares, 7-20
active event log, CIFS
default, 7-26
specifying, 7-30
adding a foreign volume, 3-13
adding disks to a volume, 3-12
administration host
accessibility problems from, 18-10
administration tasks, periodic, 1-9
AuthName directive, 8-3
Autosupport, 19-1
autosupport options, 19-1
autosupport.doit option, 19-2
autosupport.enable option, 19-2
autosupport.from option, 19-2
autosupport.mailhost option, 19-2
autosupport.noteto option, 19-3
amount of data, 12-7
data format, 12-5
data not in qtrees, 12-15
devices, 12-3
excluding files, 12-15
incremental, 12-4
metadata, 12-2
name in the /etc/dumpdates file, 12-14
qtrees, 12-7
reasons for, 12-1
specifying files and directories, 12-14
use of nonqualified tape drives, 12-10
Windows NT ACL information, 12-5
blocking factor
definition, 12-6
how to specify, 12-14
specifying when restoring data, 13-3
when backing up to remote tape
drives, 12-10
from diskette, 18-1
with nvfail enabled, 4-29
without /etc/rc file, 18-2
broadcast filer address, setting using
ifconfig, 4-15