A-84 Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N System Administrator and Command Reference Guide
routed - network routing daemon
routed on
routed off
routed [ -n ] status
routed (pronounced route-D) uses a variant of the Xerox NS Routing Informa-
tion Protocol (RIP) to manage selection of the default gateway used for IP
network routing. The filers routed is different from the standard UNIX routed as
it never sends RIP packets, or builds route tables from RIP information, but only
snoops for RIP exchanges to determine gateway status; it builds the routing table
based on ICMP redirects.
When routed is started with the routed on command, it reads the /etc/
dgateways file to create a list of potential default gateways. The /etc/dgate-
ways file consists of a series of lines, each in the following format:
is the name or address of a gateway to be used as a potential
default gateway.
is a metric indicating the preference weighting of the gateway. 1 is
the value to use for highest preference, 15 for the least. If no value is speci-
defaults to the value 1.
There can be a maximum of 128 valid entries in the /etc/dgateways file - addi-
tional ones are ignored, but cause an error message. Duplicate gateway names
or addresses are not allowed - only the first one encountered in the file is added
to the table, and duplicates produce error messages.
After the list of gateways is created, routed selects the one with the lowest met-
ric value to be used as the preferred default route. If there are multiple gateways
available with the same metric value, it uses the one named first in the /etc/
dgateways file.
routed then listens on udp port 520 for routing information packets. When a RIP
packet is received, routed marks the gateway that sent the
packet ALIVE. If the gateway has a better metric than the current default gate-
way, or has the same metric but is listed earlier in /etc/dgateways, the current
default gateway is changed to the new gateway.
When a gateway is not heard from for 90 seconds, routed marks the gateway as
DEAD, and if it was the current default gateway, selects a new default gateway if
one is available.