A-102 Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N System Administrator and Command Reference Guide
useradmin - add, delete or list administrative users
useradmin useradd
[-c comments] login_name
useradmin userdel
useradmin userlist
The useradmin command can be used to add, delete, or list administrative
The useradd option is used to add administrative users. The user name can be
up to 32 characters long. The user name can contain any printable ASCII charac-
ters except the following characters:
space | * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ]
All users added through the useradd option have the same privilege level as root.
Optionally, any comment about the user being added could be provided. Com-
ments about the user should be no longer than 128 characters and should not
contain the character : (colon).
When users are added they are prompted for the password twice. The password
is case sensitive and it has the following restrictions:
it should be at least 6 characters long
it should contain at least two alphabets
it should contain at least one digit or special character
The userdel option can be used to delete any non-root administrative user.
The userlist option lists all non-root users if no user name is provided. The user-
list option can also be invoked with a list of users to list information about only
those users.