CIFS Administration 7-21
From the filer command line, do one of the following:
a. Add access with the cifs access command, as described in Giving Access
With the Cifs Access Command.
b. Remove a user or group with the cifs access -delete command, as described
in Removing a User or Group With the cifs Access -delete Command.
To assign or change access rights with Server Manager, use the Access Through
Share Permissions window by following these steps:
1. Open Server Manager by choosing it from the Start menu.
2. From the Server Manager Computer menu, choose Select Domain.
Result: The Select Domain window opens.
3. In the Select Domain window, select the filer you want by typing its UNC name,
for example, \\FILERNAME, in the Domain field, then clicking OK.
Result: A Server Manager window for the filer appears.
4. In the Server Manager window, click Computer > Shared Directories, then click
the Properties button.
Result: The Share Properties window appears.
5. Click Permissions.
Result: The Access Through Share Permissions window appears.
6. To add a new user or group, click Add.
Result: The Add Users and Groups window appears.
7. Click the arrow next to the List Names From field to choose a domain that con-
tains names that you want to add.
Result: A list of names appears in the Names list box.
8. Specify one or more names in either of the following two ways:
a. Click one or more names in the Names list box.
b. Type valid user or group names in the Add Names text box.
9. Click Add in the window where you selected the names.
Result: The names are added to the Add Names field of the Add Users and
Groups window.