Passwords are stored on each storage array. For best protection, the password must meet these criteria:
• The password must be between eight and 30 characters long.
• The password must contain at least one uppercase letter.
• The password must contain at least one lowercase letter.
• The password must contain at least one number.
• The password must contain at least one non-alphanumeric character, for example, < > @ +.
NOTE: If you are using self encrypting physical disks in your storage array, you must use these
criteria for your storage array password.
Set Storage Array Enclosure Positions
This command defines the position of the enclosures in a storage array. You must include all of the
enclosures in the storage array when you enter this command.
set storageArray enclosurePositions=(controller | enclosureID... enclosureIDn)
Parameter Description
A list of all of the enclosure IDs. The sequence of
the enclosure IDs in the list defines the positions
for the RAID enclosure and the expansion
enclosures in a storage array. Valid values are 0 to
99. Enter the enclosure ID values separated by a
space. Enclose the list of enclosure ID values in
parentheses. For storage arrays where the RAID
enclosure has a predefined identifier that is not in
the range of valid enclosure position values, use
the RAID controller module value.
Additional Information
This command defines the position of an enclosure in a storage array by the position of the enclosure ID
in the enclosurePositions list. For example, if you have a RAID enclosure with an ID set to 84 and
expansion enclosures with IDs set to 1, 12, and 50, the enclosurePositions sequence (84 1 12 50)
places the RAID enclosure in the first position, expansion enclosure 1 in the second position, expansion
enclosure 12 in the third position, and expansion enclosure 50 in the fourth position. The
enclosurePositions sequence (1 84 50 12) places the RAID enclosure in the second position,
expansion enclosure 1 in the first position, expansion enclosure 50 in the third position, and expansion
enclosure 12 in the fourth position.