Parameter Description
Specifies the file path and the file name to which
you save the SAS PHY counters. Enclose the file
path and the file name in double quotation marks ("
"). For example: file="C:\Program Files\CLI\logs
This command does not automatically append a
file extension to the saved file. Any file name is
acceptable, but the .csv extension must be used.
Save Storage Array State Capture
This command saves the state capture to a file.
save storageArray stateCapture file="filename"
Parameter Description
Name of the file to which to save the state capture.
You must put quotation marks (" ") around the file
Save Storage Array Support Data
This command saves the storage array support-related information to a file.
Support-related information includes:
• The storage array profile
• The Major Event Log information
• The NVSRAM data
• Current problems and associated recovery information
• The performance statistics for the entire storage array
• The persistent registration information and the persistent reservation information
• Detailed information about the current status of the storage array
• The diagnostic data for the physical disk
• A recovery profile for the storage array