Set Remote Replication Group
Use this command to change the synchronization settings and warning thresholds that the RAID
controller module owner of the primary side of the remote replication group uses when it performs an
initial synchronization or resynchronization. Changing the synchronization settings affects the
synchronization operations of all replicated pairs within the remote replication group.
set asyncRemoteReplicationGroup [asyncRemoteReplicationGroupName]
[virtualDisk="repos_xxxx" increaseRepositoryCapacity
(repositoryVirtualDisk=("repos_xxxx")] [syncInterval=integer (minutes | hours |
days)] [warningSyncThreshold=integer (minutes | hours | days)]
[warningRecoveryThreshold=integer (minutes | hours | days)]
[warningThresholdPercent=percentValue] [role=(primary | secondary)]
[autoResync=(TRUE | FALSE)]
Parameter Description
The name of the remote replication group that you
want to modify. Enclose the virtual disk name in
square brackets ([ ]). If the virtual disk name has
special characters, you also must enclose the
virtual disk name in double quotation marks (" ")
inside square brackets. If the virtual disk name
consists only of numbers, such as "1002," you also
must enclose the virtual disk name in double
quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets.
Specify the length of time between automatically
sending updates of modified data from the local
storage array to the remote storage array. You can
specify the length of time in minutes, hours, or
Specify the length of time to wait until a warning is
triggered for cases in which the synchronization of
all of the virtual disks within the remote replication
group takes longer than the defined time. You can
specify the length of time in minutes, hours, or
Specify the length of time to wait until a warning is
triggered when the automatic data update for the
point-in-time image on the remote storage array is
older than the defined time. Define the threshold
from the end of the previous update. You can