Parameter Description
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) of
the SSD cache from which you want to remove
SSDs. Enclose the identifier in square brackets ([ ]).
If the SSD cache name contains special characters
or consists only of numbers, you also must enclose
the identifier in double quotation marks (" ") inside
square brackets.
The physical disks that you want to remove from
the SSD cache. For high-capacity expansion
enclosures, specify the enclosure ID value, the
drawer ID value, and the slot ID value for each SSD
that you want to remove. For low-capacity
expansion enclosures, specify the enclosure ID
value and the slot ID value for each SSD that you
want to remove. Enclosure ID values are 0 to 99.
Drawer ID values are 0 to 4. Slot ID values are 0 to
31. Enclose the enclosure ID values, the drawer ID
values, and the slot ID values in parentheses.
You cannot remove all of the SSDs from the SSD cache using this command; at least one SSD must
remain in the SSD cache. If you want to completely remove the SSD cache, use the delete ssdCache
command instead.
Remove Remote Replication
NOTE: This command valid only with Fibre Channel storage arrays.
This command removes the replication relationship between the primary virtual disk and the secondary
virtual disk in a remote replication pair.
remove remoteReplication (localVirtualDisk [virtualDiskName] |
localVirtualDisks [virtualDiskName1... virtualDiskNameN])
Parameter Description
localVirtualDisk or localVirtualDisks
The name of the primary virtual disk (the virtual
disk on the local storage array) that you want to
remove. You can enter more than one virtual disk