Set Host
This command assigns a host to a host group or moves a host to a different host group. You can also
create a new host group and assign the host to the new host group with this command. The actions
performed by this command depend on whether the host has individual mappings or does not have
individual mappings.
set host [hostName]
hostGroup=("hostGroupName" | none | defaultGroup)
hostTypeIndexLabel | hostTypeIndexNumber)
Parameter Description
The name of the host that you want to assign to a
host group. Enclose the host name in square
brackets ([ ]). If the host name has special
characters, you must also enclose the host name
in double quotation marks (" ").
The host group to which you want to assign the
host. (The following table defines how the
command runs if the host does or does not have
individual virtual disk-to-LUN mappings.) Enclose
the host group name in double quotation marks ("
"). The defaultGroup is the host group that
contains the host to which the virtual disk is
The new host name. Enclose the host name in
double quotation marks (" ").
The index label or number of the host type for the
HBA host port. Use the show storageArray
hostTypeTable command to generate a list of
available host type identifiers. If the host type has
special characters, enclose it in double quotation
marks (" ").
Host Group Parameter Host Has Individual Virtual Disk-
to-LUN Mappings
Host Does Not Have Individual
Virtual Disk-to-LUN Mappings
hostGroupName The host is removed from the
present host group and is placed
The host is removed from the
present host group and is placed