Parameter Description
Saves only warning events to a file.
Saves only informational events to a file.
Saves only debug events to a file.
Specifies name of the file to which to save the
events. You must put quotation marks (" ") around
the file name.
Specifies the number of events or critical events to
save to a file. If you do not enter a value for the
count, all events or critical events are saved to the
file. If you enter a value for the count, only that
number of events or critical events (starting with
the last event entered) are saved to the file. Use
integer values.
When set to TRUE, force saves all critical events to
a file. Default value is FALSE.
Save Storage Array iSCSI Statistics
This command saves the iSCSI performance of the storage array to a file. The following statistics are
saved to the file:
• Statistics related to the physical Ethernet port
• Statistics related to the TCP protocol
• Statistics related to the IP protocol
save storageArray iscsiStatistics [(raw | baseline)] file="filename"
Parameter Description
This parameter defines that the statistics collected
are all statistics from the RAID controller module
start‑of‑day. Enclose the parameter in square
brackets ([ ]).
This parameter defines that the statistics collected
are all statistics from the time the RAID controller
modules were reset to zero using the reset
storageArray iscsiStatsBaseline
command. Enclose the parameter in square
brackets ([ ]).