Parameter Description
special characters, you must also put quotation
marks (" ") around the virtual disk name.
Name of the file that contains the consistency
error information you use to repair the errors. You
must put quotation marks (" ") around the file
Captures progress details, such as percent
complete, and shows the progress detail
information as virtual disk consistency is being
repaired. To capture progress details, set this
parameter to TRUE. To prevent capturing progress
details, set this parameter to FALSE.
Replace Physical Disk
This command redefines the composition of a disk group by replacing a physical disk that is in the disk
group with either:
• An unassigned physical disk
• A fully integrated hot spare physical disk
replace physicalDisk ([enclosureID,slotID] |
Parameter Description
Specifies the physical disks to assign to the virtual
disk that you want to create. Specify the enclosure
ID and slot ID for each physical disk that you assign
to the virtual disk. Enclosure ID values are 0 to 99.
Slot ID values are 0 to 31. You must put brackets
([ ]) around the enclosure ID value and the slot ID
physicalDisk <wwID>
The World Wide Identifier (WWID) of the physical
disk that you want to replace. You can use the
WWID instead of the virtual disk name to identify
the virtual disk. Enclose the WWID in angle
brackets (< >).